
Bad Breath

Fresh breathA pooch’s breath may never be kissably sweet, but it shouldn’t be staggeringly bad either. Most of the time, bad breath is caused by the remains of your pet’s last meal. The longer the food particles stay in her mouth, the worse her breath is likely to be.

In addition, bad breath is sometimes caused by such things as an upset stomach, tooth decay or a build-up of plaque-a sticky, bacteria laden substance that accumulates on the teeth.

The following tips will help to keep your dog’s breath fresh and clean.

teethBrush Often. The best way to beat your dog’s bad breath is to brush her teeth. If she’s not used to brushing, start out by putting a little beef broth, garlic water, or canned meat on your finger or a washcloth and rub the outer surfaces of the teeth.

Once she’s used to having her mouth handled, you can graduate to a toothbrush made especially for dogs. Don’t be alarmed by a little blood on the bristles the first couple of times you brush. This is normal since a dog’s gums are not used to being brushed.

Pet Gel 1Add a little paste. The best way to freshen your dog’s breath is to brush their teeth with a toothpaste especially formulated for dogs. Many dog toothpastes contain sugar, so read the label. One of my favorite brands of toothpaste (pet gel)  and oral hygiene solution is Oxyfresh. Don’t use human toothpastes because they contain detergents and other chemicals, which if swallowed, will upset your dog’s stomach. You can teach a dog to do a lot of things, but I have never seen one taught to rinse and spit.

Fast Fix. When you don’t have time to brush, try wiping the outside of your dog’s teeth, where 85% of the smelly plaque occurs, with a cotton washcloth or gauze-even a quick swipe over will make a difference.

Floss ropePlay fetch and floss.
Dogs love to chew, and some chew toys have the added advantage of keeping the teeth clean. Offer your dog a rope like chew toy. The strands of rope will act like dental floss every time your dog chews. Just be sure the frayed end of the toy isn’t tangled or knotted, and don’t play tug of war with it. It could catch in your dog’s teeth and actually pull one out.

carrots and applesQuell it with crunchy snacks. Dog’s rarely refuse a snack, and crunchy foods can act as little brushes in the mouth, scouring the teeth and helping to keep the breath pleasant. Carrots and apples are good for cleaning teeth and for freshening breath. Beware of kibbles that claim to clean your dog’s teeth. When kibble gets wet it turns to mush and sticks to your dog’s teeth.

JifHold the sticky stuff. 

It’s always a good idea to avoid soft, sticky snacks, like peanut butter or liver treats. They can stick to the teeth for hours.

Skip the sprays. Save your money when it comes to chlorophyll tablets or other temporary breath fresheners. Masking a dog’s bad breath with sprays or tablets is fighting a losing battle. Instead, get to the source of the trouble by daily brushing her teeth.

puppy breathWhat gives puppies “puppy breath”? 

When puppies come to you, tails and tongues a wagging, you’ll probably catch a whiff of puppy breath. The smell is a mixture of sweet and sour, and there’s no mistaking it. All puppies have this distinctive smell, no matter what size or breed. It has to do with the bacteria levels in puppies mouths. When puppies are teething, the gums bleed slightly, and this provides a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. It is these large populations of bacteria that produce the sweet smell in their breath.

As puppies mature into dogs , the bacteria levels decline, and so does the the puppy smell.

Call for help. If you’ve been brushing your dog’s teeth regularly for a week or two and her breath still smells, she could have a serious problem, an abscessed tooth for example. Paradoxically, overly sweet breath is also a problem because it can be a sign of diabetes. An ammonia odor, on the other hand, can be caused by kidney disease. In fact, any change in her usual doggy breath should probably be checked out by a vet.

All Natural Breath Spray

If you want to freshen your dog’s breath temporarily, you can make a simple breath spray. Using distilled water, add 5 to 10 drops of Peppermint oil. Place in a small spray bottle and spray several times per day as needed. I keep mine in the refrigerator. It will last for up to a month. I use it for my breath as well. You can carry it in your purse or backpack when traveling. Just spritz when you want minty, fresh breath!

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