
Healthy Dog Checklist

There are three main things to look at to see if your dog is eating a healthy diet and is receiving all the nutrients he needs to live a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Healthy SkinAppearance-First off, examine his physical appearance. Start by looking at the skin which is the largest organ in the canine body. A dull coat and shedding hair are typical signs of unhealthy skin. Check to see if the skin is dry, flaky, red and inflamed. This type of condition may be associated with parasites such as fleas, mites or ringworm. It also can be a sign of inflammatory allergies. (Dust, pollen, mold, grass, trees)

Happy dog 1Behavior-A healthy dog should be happy, active, outgoing and responsive. Their diet may not be agreeing with them if they show signs of irritability, hyperactivity, nervousness or restlessness. Scratching, itching, licking are all signs of allergies in dogs.

Stool Chart

Stools-As disgusting as this may sound you should examine your dogs stool on a regular basis. A properly functioning digestive system produces stools that are darkish brown in color, firm, free of worms and artificial colors from commercial foods.There should be a small amount of stool, not soft, heaping piles that stink. A small amount of stool indicates that the food has been properly digested. Colored stool may indicate internal bleeding or disease. If not enough water has been consumed stools may be dry and hard and difficult to pass without straining. Poor quality food results in undigested material passing into the large intestine, where fermentation from bacteria produces gas and loose stools. If the intestines become inflamed or infested with worms, the stools will be abnormal.

Healthy Dog Checklist


Healthy EyeHealthy Eyes- Bright, alert, clear


Cloudy Eyes

Unhealthy Eyes- Dull, cloudy, red, tearing, crusty

Healthy Dog NoseHealthy Nose-Cool,moist,clean,soft

Unhealthy Dog Nose

Unhealthy Nose -Hot, dry, hard

Healthy Dog TeethHealthy Teeth- Clean, white, shiny

Dirty Dog Teeth

Dirty Dog Teeth 1
Unhealthy Teeth-
Dirty, yellow, foul smelling breath

Healthy Dog EarHealthy Ears- Clean, dry

Unhealthy dog Ears

Unhealthy dog ear 1Unhealthy Ears– Inflamed, dirty, waxy, smelly

Healthy Dog CoatHealthy Coat-Shiny, soft, clean

Dandruff dogUnhealthy Coat
-Dull, dry, greasy, dandruff, red

Healthy Skin 1Healthy Skin- Soft, pliable

Unhealthy SkinUnhealthy Skin-Inflamed, itchy

Muscular Dog 1
Healthy Muscles-
 Firm, developed, defined

Unhealthy MusclesUnhealthy Muscles-Soft

Muscular DogHealthy Weight-Can feel ribs, see waistline

Fat Old DogOverweight-Obese, pot bellied

Healthy Dog PawsHealthy Paws-Smooth, resilient

Unhealthy Dog PadsUnhealthy Paws-Cracked, sore, red, swollen

Healthy AnusHealthy Anus-Clean, dry

Unhealthy Anal glandsUnhealthy Anus-Inflamed, itchy, smelly glands

Urine ChartHealthy Urine- Light yellow

Unhealthy Urine-Dark, clear , excessive amounts