Rally Obedience has been a titling event through the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) since...
Author - Elle
Low Drive Training Alternatives
When it comes to training your dog, you”ll find that some dogs will perform easily, requiring...
10 Tips for a Long Life
You want to improve your dog’s health, but it can be hard to know where to begin. There are...
Healing Effects of Music
Sound is a major factor of our surroundings, especially in today’s loud, fast paced world...
Respiratory Infections
In dogs, viral and bacterial infections are most common: kennel cough, canine influenza and...
Community Canine
AKC Community Canine is the advanced level of the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen program. Dogs who...
Submissive Urination
Dogs like humans are social animals. Similarities in human and canine social structure have...
Veterinary Chiropractic
In recent years many holistic veterinarians have become trained in chiropractic methods and apply...
Veterinary Acupuncture
What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is based on the concept of qi, (pronounced chee) which means...
Loose Leash Walking
There are so many different methods to teach your dog to walk without pulling. There is no right or...
Teaching the Down Command
Before beginning to shape any behavior be sure to load the clicker so the dog knows what it...
Dominant Dogs
Pushy, in your face, tripping you up, these are all words used to describe a dominant dog. These...
How to Bathe Your Dog
I have found that so many pet owners, and veterinarians, are confused about how often to bathe...
Excessive Barking
Barking is a natural form of communication for dogs and almost all dogs will bark. It is one of the...
Destructive Chewing
Destructive chewing is one of the top reasons people surrender their dogs to animal shelters...