Six Remedies for Relief
Joint disease, specifically arthritis, is a common problem in dogs and cats, especially as they age. The causes are many and include obesity, inflammation, immune dysfunction and normal wear and tear on the joints. Conventional methods include steroids, non-steroidal medications, analgesic medications to control pain and surgery, when applicable.
Clinical signs of arthritis include joint pain, stiffness, difficulty getting up and down, a pet’s decreased desire to walk or exercise and increased aggression due to pain. Keep in mind that other causes may be misdiagnosed as arthritis, but are actually related to another disease.
Many natural therapies for joint disease include acupuncture, chiropractic, cold laser treatment, physical therapy, Chinese and Western herbal therapies, nutrition and diet, homotoxicology and homeopathy. Several key homeopathic remedies recommended for human relief in osteoarthritic knee, hip and finger joints, may also be helpful for pets with joint injury and pain.
This is a mainstay of homeopathy and applies to anything related to bones and joints. It is useful for chronic arthritis, especially if the painful parts of the body seem to worsen when moved or touched.
Bryonia Alba
It’s especially helpful for pets showing signs of stiffness and inflammation with pain made worse as the pet moves, especially when rising and laying down. Offset cold, dry weather with warmth and humidification. Discomfort is aggravated when the affected body part is touched, bumped or moved about, which may spur aggressive behavior, so show tender care and respect. Relief typically comes when the pet rests the affected part.
Homeopathy can also be very effective for treating kennel cough. Drosera is the primary remedy for kennel cough and should be considered for a dry, hacking cough which may be worse when the dog is laying down. However, we have often seen Bryonia cure the cough immediately especially when the patient is irritable, very thirsty and unwilling to move.
Calcarea carbonica
This remedy may ease deeply aching arthritis, particularly if bony or fibrous tissue has formed around the joints. Avoid cold and dampness. Signs alerting a veterinarian to the problem may include weakness, fatigue from exertion and a feeling of chilliness or sluggishness.
Kali carbonicum
Pets with advanced arthritis showing joints that are thickened or deformed may benefit from kali. Stiffness and pain are typically worse in the morning from cold, damp weather, so that’s an ideal time for applying the prescribed treatment.
Rhus toxicodendron
This is useful for many arthritic pets and especially those with rheumatoid arthritis, which is rare. The remedy is also beneficial for pets that start the day stiff and in pain, but improve with continued movement. Protect them from cold, wet weather conditions.
Ruta graveolens
Another widely recognized arthritis remedy, ruta grav is for pets whose symptoms may be exacerbated by cold, damp and exertion. It may be prescribed for affected and damaged tendons and capsules of the joints, when arthritis may have developed from overuse, repeated wear and tear and associated chronic inflammation.
The practice of functional medicine teaches combinations of complementary therapies suited to the individual pet’s needs. Homeopathics can be a beneficial element in treating animals suffering from a variety of joint disorders.
The Dog Breeder Store
Shawn Messonnier